1 WORKSHOP APPLICATION Student Last Nameno-icon Student First Nameno-icon Middle Nameno-icon Suffixno-icon Date of Birthdate_range Preferred Phoneno-icon Permanent Address Parent Guardian (if under 18) Guardian Phoneno-icon Emailemail How did you hear of KD Conservatoryno-icon Photo of yourselfSo that we can get to know your face.cloud_uploadUpload Type of WorkshopAdult (18+)Teen (12-17)Youth (7-11)Child (4-6) Have you participated at a workshop beforeYesNo Preferred WorkshopActingFilmmakingVoice OverMusical Theatre Preferred Workshop timeWeekday EveningSaturdaySummer Camp What's the best time for a representative to reach out to you?MorningAfternoonEveningWeekend Preferred method of communicationEmailTextCall All the information you have provided in this application is true and accurate.I AgreeI Disagree Submit Form reCaptcha v3 keyboard_arrow_leftPrevious Nextkeyboard_arrow_right